


This site soft-launched in July of 2024. It is not a blog. It is incomplete, insofar as most of these pages I’ve currently planned have yet to be uploaded. A lot of this has already been written or coded, but has yet to be documented or HTML-ized, so to speak. Also, like any good internet site, Fabled.day will be updated regularly with new material. Really, one could say it will never truly be complete. The below logbook tracks changes to the site, including those to the theme and interface, new content, and other updates.

  • September 18th, 2024 I wrote an ode to comments in code. Don't you just love labels? Annotations? Probably not, but with HTML and especially CSS, they're growing on me. Also, you can actually make them look quite interesting, as a treat.
  • September 17th, 2024 Significant updates to the section about site creation itself. Or, rather, the section about websites as a medium for expressing a message. This doesn't include any of my rambles yet, but I've added some neat notes about how you might prepare a template for use... as a template!
  • September 16th, 2024 Would you like to read a bit about how I figured out figures? Most people just insert images as needed into their pages - this works well for decorative purposes, but if your images are illustrations - charts, photos, etc - you might want to put them in figure tags.
  • September 2nd, 2024 I've made significant updates to the Before Times section, adding a couple new stories and bits of lore to visit, as well as as a curated nostalgia stroll. You can also read about Eternal Septembers, and a (weak) code to septemberize the date.
  • August 21st, 2024 I've added a page on how I turn premade templates into zippier templates. Check it out, though I'm not sure if it'll be useful to anyone - it's just the method I use.
  • August 18th, 2024 I've started a little webring for sites with lots of text. Interested in joining? Contact me!
  • August 14th, 2024 I've added some additional personal information, including a small status widget and extra contact methods, to the sidebar.
  • August 10th, 2024 The majority of the site's index pages, which list all contents extant within a category alongside descriptions, are now live. Consider this the site's main launch, I guess?
  • August 2nd, 2024 Site structure and Table of Contents are now live, but many links are non-functional, leading to my new Not Found page instead.
  • July 29th, 2024 I've adopted an akita inu puppy to guard the site. Her name is Lulu, and she should now be found watching you from the sidebar. She may look friendly but will attack on command.
  • July 24th, 2024 I'm sharing a vast whirlwind of likeable sites from the indie web now; the list is not organized and, in fact, the table itself is randomized to prevent playing favorites, but there's plenty to explore!
  • June 26th, 2024 The site now includes some pages sharing coding snippets with (rather effusive, but what did you expect of me?) documentation; I'm trying my best. I had hoped to post something unrelated to web development first, but my excitement over this elaborate form got to me.
  • June 8th, 2024 Having decided on a template provided by Foollovers, I've spruced it up as much as possible, and done extensive customizations with fonts, colors, and even sounds, and chopped it up to make it easier to use.
  • June 2nd, 2024 I realize most everyone on neocities uses whatever Github is, but I registered an account with Code Pen and signed up as a premium member. You can visit my work there, but it will ultimately be mirrored on this site.
  • April 20th, 2024 Inception of site; decided to name the site Fabled, and took a couple short polls in relevant Discord servers to decide on a TLD, ultimately choosing .day, of course. Domain name registered soon after.

To Do List

  • Upload some of my essays. I've got several about the nature of content creation online that I'd like to share, as the site itself implies. I'm no expert or designer, but I might as well share my thoughts as a user of the web.
  • Upload some details about text effects. I've collected a great deal of CSS code for interesting and creative text display effects to be used with links, titles, and anything, really. I'd like to start sharing those.
  • Improve mobile interface. It can almost always be improved at this point, and the current version, while a definite improvement over the original out-of-the-box version, is mediocre at best. I can do better!