

Welcome to the Present

Look around you. Feel it, any tension, any sense of freedom, joy, hope, fear, anger or constriction. That’s now and we’re living in it, situated within the late stages of capitalism, creeping towards fascism, in a world slowly boiling itself to death. All hope isn’t lost, though - you can still enjoy yourself. I do. This section features all the things that, I, myself, personally enjoy. Some of it makes me forget how awful things have gotten. Some of it makes me remember times that seemed better. Other things I enjoy give me intense hope for the future. Some of it is pure contextualization for this moment in time. There’s not a lot here right now, but believe me - there will be!

  • The about me page gives you a good idea of who I am, my history online and with coding, my hobbies, and why I'm like this, for lack of a better way of putting things. In case you're wary of the form on these pages, this also explains alternate methods of contacting me.
  • The site updates section features a running log of almost every single update to this site, as well as a list of future, planned updates. The latter is tentative and open to suggestions via any of my contact methods, of course.
  • My wall of buttons showcases websites, mostly on the small web and neocities, which I find charming, inspirational, or simply worth visiting. If you'd like to be added here, do drop me a line! I am always looking for new and interesting sites to visit, particularly topical ones with lots of content.
  • My curated Spotify collection simply shares a vast array of Spotify playlists I've created over the years, some rather long. These aren't exactly the top hits. My Spotify Wrapped "Sound Town" was listed as in Moldova. Regardless, maybe someone wants 50+ hours of Slavic hiphop?
  • The webrings and exchanges page will hopefully soon feature just that - webrings and site exchanges. Thus far, it has yet to be created, because I haven't joined any, but we'll see, now, won't we? Do hit me up if you've got one that might interest me!
  • The Aristasian Reminiscence Project (🔞) is another site of mine. It is my attempt to make sense of the strange, often cult-like group of ladies I joined as a teenager via the internet. References matters such as fascism, escapism, and cult abuse, but also memories of happier times in video games with some.
  • Redoubtful is another little project I'm currently brewing. It's a web serial, a sort of text-based series showcasing the adventures of a young, broke millennial mage-in-training who experiences an existential crisis. Releasing in late October 2024, but send a message if you're interested in being a beta reader.