Fabled Links and Likeables

Welcome to a veritable whirlwind of links and likeable sites, almost all coming from the small web, places like neocities and beyond. This is quite the eclectic mix; some feature pagan and occult themes, whereas others are more poetic and literary. Some are web design inspiration or provide tutorials and help people learn to build their own sites, much better than I could ever hope to be. Others are artwork or fiction. If I end up adding more and more, I’ll probably have to organize these into categories!

There is a lot of variety here, so click around. Sites with a pink square are those for which I was unable to find a button - if one of those is your site, feel free to send me a button for it. If you would like to be added to this list, do contact me via one of my usual methods. I do not participate in neocities follow-for-follow (ie, federiefederi) things. If my site genuinely interests you, though, and you would like to swap buttons, feel free to drop me a line.

Did you enjoy this layout for displaying small 88px wide buttons? It sure beats a giant wall of them with no breaks and no site names or descriptions, in my opinion! If you’d like to use something similar on your own site, I’m working on posting the code for this soon. One zippy feature: if you use the optional JavaScript, it randomly shuffles the table rows, thus showing the sites in a different order to every visitor - no playing favorites like we did on MySpace!